February 2011 - Tamarack Habilitation Technologies, Inc.

The other day I received a copy of John Vonhof’s latest edition of Fixing Your Feet: Injury Prevention and Treatments for Athletes. For years, Tamarack Habilitation Technologies has consulted with John on the company’s latest advancements with its blister prevention & relief product, ENGO Blister Prevention Patches. John’s advice and continued testing of our product […]

3,063 miles. 52 days. 57 years old… People drive across the United States all the time, touring the 3,000-plus miles for vacation, relocation, or rite of passage. Every now and then, someone makes the trip on foot, taking a year or more to walk across the great expanse of our country. Marshall Ulrich ran from San Francisco to New […]

The February 2011 issue of The Academy TODAY focuses on the important topic of skin and soft tissue management. Whether you’re an O&P practitioner, vascular surgeon or physician who cares for patients with amputations, diabetes or vascular disease, take some time to read through the articles in this O&P Edge supplement. One of the articles, […]

Today I’d like to share some of the most recent media reviews of our ENGO Blister Prevention Patch product that we’ve seen over the past couple years. There’s no better way for people who are interested in a product to “experience” how the product works before buying it than reading a few product reviews. Enjoy! […]