We recently came across the AmputeeOT YouTube Channel; a weekly video series about prosthetic device options, residual limb care, and other aspects of daily living for amputees.
Some of AmputeeOT’s most popular videos include:
- Up close and personal with a matured residual limb
- Airline travel as an amputee
- iWalk 2.0 hands free crutch alternative review
- My Legoleg – amputee prosthetic made with Legos
- Cast removal of below knee amputation
Below-knee amputee and occupational therapist, Christina Stephens, is the brains and face behind the popular AmputeeOT YouTube channel and she was kind enough to mention the new GlideWear Prosthetic Liner Patch in her recent video, titled: “Lotions, Potions and Glidewear, Oh my!”
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YoHvvsYuHYQ&w=640&h=360]For amputees who are interested in researching or purchasing the products mentioned in Christina’s video, here are the products and website links:
- DermaClean and DermaRepair by Ottobock
- Hibiclens Antimicrobial liquid soap
- Alps Prosthetic Skin Lotion, Prosthetic Ointment, and Anti-perspirant Spray
- Adaptskin Amputee Skin Therapy
- GlideWear Prosthetic Liner Patch by Tamarack Habilitation Technologies
Thanks to Christina Stephens for including the GlideWear Prosthetic Liner Patch in your AmputeeOT video series!
Dianne Thorington
Thank you for putting this list together. I ordered my Glidewear today.
Tamarack Marketing
Thank you for your comment and for ordering our GlideWear Prosthetic Liner Patch!
Please feel welcome to contact us if you have any questions or feedback to share.
Best regards,
Jason P., Sales & Marketing Manager
763-795-0057 local / 866-795-0057 toll-free
E-mail: info@tamarackhti.com