The National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (NPUAP) has announced a change in terminology from pressure ulcer to pressure injury; also updating the stages of pressure injury. NPUAP believes the change to pressure injury vs. pressure ulcer more accurately describes pressure and shear-related injuries to both intact and ulcerated skin. Pressure Injury: A pressure injury is […]
The National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel has just posted information about its 2016 NPUAP Research Symposium, hosted at Harrah’s Las Vegas Hotel, November 9, 2016. This is a great opportunity for clinicians, researchers, engineers, and others in the healthcare field to learn more about the latest developments in pressure ulcer (bedsore) prevention. No longer is […]
In support of World Wide Pressure Ulcer Prevention Day, November 19, 2015, here are FIVE valuable resources for healthcare professionals and facility managers to consider when fighting back against the genesis of avoidable pressure ulcers. Invest in the Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers: Clinical Practice Guideline (full-text or quick-reference version). Leaders from […]
In support of World Wide Pressure Ulcer Prevention Day, November 19, 2015, the National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (NPUAP) is hosting a free, live webinar, presented by Dr. Jeffrey Levine, MD, titled History of Pressure Ulcers and Wound Care: Past, Present, and Future. Dr. Levine’s presentation will review the history of pressure ulcers and wound […]
The National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel, in partnership with the Creighton University School of Medicine, is hosting a live webinar on Tuesday, August 12th at 2:00 PM ET to assist clinicians in pressure ulcer recognition and definition, comprehensive assessment, and wound care documentation. Webinar Objectives: 1. Define pressure ulcers 2. Differentiate pressure ulcers from other […]
National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel News Release (March 25, 2014) The National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel is pleased to announce the next live webinar entitled Measuring Pressure Ulcer Rates. This webinar will take place on THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 2014 from 2:00-3:00 PM ET. Dr. Joyce Black, PhD, RN, CWCN, FAAN will be presenting this webinar […]