We’re delighted to announce that our line of pediatric dorsiflexion assist Tamarack Flexure Joints are now available in BLACK in addition to the traditional ‘natural’ (off-white) color Tamarack has provided since 1995.
Black Tamarack Flexure Joints have been available in all sizes of free motion joints since 2010, as well as medium and large dorsiflexion assist models. The addition of the pediatric black joint color completes the model 740/742 product line; giving clinicians the option of color-matching their Tamarack Flexure Joints to blend in with the articulating brace pattern or color of their choosing.
Black Tamarack Flexure Joints are sold in pairs as well as the newer ‘bulk’ 5-Packs, which include a reusable pair of Tamarack Molding Dummies at no additional charge.
Contact your O&P Supplier to order Tamarack Flexure Joint products or, for more information, visit https://tamarackhti.com/shop/tamarack-flexure-joint/