Blistering Relief for Cleated Athletes - Tamarack Habilitation Technologies, Inc.

Last night my men’s recreational softball team played back-to-back games in blistering 95 degree weather, totaling about 2.5 hours of running around; all while wearing cleats. Although I haven’t experienced blisters with these cleats before, the intense heat and moisture build-up inside my footwear caused a much different experience this time.

Although I didn’t have enough time to relieve those hot spots on the field, my feet will now be protected by the ENGO® Blister Prevention Patches I installed in my cleats. Here are the “before” and “after” photos of the insoles from my cleats. As you can see, it is very obvious where my feet have been rubbing on the insoles. These rubbing spots indicate where the ENGO Patches should be adhered, eliminating the need to guess where those high friction areas might be.

Whether you wear athletic shoes, cleats, skates, dress or casual footwear, keeping a few ENGO® Patches in your wallet, purse or first aid kit will ensure that blisters don’t affect your next adventure. ENGO Patches have a money-back, satisfaction guarantee, so you have nothing to lose but painful foot blisters.

To find an ENGO® Patch dealer near you visit: or buy online at

Disclaimer: We (Tamarack Habilitation Technologies, Inc.) are the manufacturer of ENGO® Blister Prevention Patches.

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