Whether this is your first time coming across ENGO® Blister Prevention Patches, or you’re a long-time customer who’s curious to learn more about these ultra-slick (literally) blister prevention patches, we hope the following information motivates you to consider adding ENGO Blister Prevention Patches to your athletic, dress, and casual footwear. Unlike conventional blister care bandages, […]
We occasionally receive feedback from customers about our products, and always welcome any concerns, suggestions or success stories. This testimonial comes from a couple of satisfied ENGO Blister Prevention Patch customers across the pond in the U.K. “We are regular long distance walkers and walk on average around 1500 miles each year. We have both […]
If you’re looking for a simple explanation of why foot blisters occur as well as how to treat blisters and prevent future occurrences, here is a helpful video. Sports podiatrist, Ian Sadler, explains the cause of foot blisters and a few preventive options to consider: [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znIPwpviloQ&w=560&h=349] Similar to the dual layer sock concept […]
Knowing where a blister is going to occur before an event can be challenging; especially if you don’t usually get blisters or are competing in a longer-distance event than you’re used to. We agree that it may be difficult to know just where to apply a blister patch without experiencing the tell-tale warning indicators of […]
Accomplished Speaker, Author, Trainer and Guide, Marshall Ulrich, emailed us the other day to share feedback on Tamarack’s new Blister Relief Kit. The kit was introduced last fall to address the lack of high quality, minimalist blister prevention and treatment kits on the market. It includes ENGO® Blister Prevention Patches (www.GoENGO.com) along with an ample […]